Sunday, August 5, 2007

Our House: The Last Sessions

this is the makeshift studio.

tape machine.

sometimes we make chris stay up too late and this is just one example of a result.

this is only part of the choir. people were coming and going all night.


on a completely different note, this is rangoon. he's new to the fish tank.


ididnot said...

Your rangoon is the damn scariest thing I've seen in a long time.

Ryan said...

You have to realize that Rangoon is about an inch tall.

stlwazzy said...

So where did Chris Walla sleep while working at your house?

Norm said...

we didn't allow him to sleep

Dianna said...

I just wanted to say I think Rangoon's pretty fucking cute.

Kopojokoingo said...

I have a crawdad named Anton

Matthew said...

yay! faces i recognize

Don Kunstel said...

When the new CD comes out maybe you could get an anteater too. I just bought the tshirt to brag about you guys in Portland.